antonio serafino - THE JOURNEY HAS JUST BEGuN


  Antonio Serafino is a 22-year-old student on the brink of completing his degree in Communication Sciences at the University of Macerata.
His fascination with art extends across various mediums, but it is in music and photography where his heart finds its truest expression. As he delves into these realms, he seeks to articulate thoughts, opinions and concepts through the creation of music, imagery and words.

For Antonio, photography emerged as a newfound passion during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when he felt a distinct connection with this form of expression. Photography, to him, is a duality capable of capturing both the challenges and the splendors of the surrounding world. It often veils truths that only reveal themselves upon introspection and contemplation of its meaning.

His journey into photography has been entirely self-taught. Starting with the basics of adjusting ISO, shutter speed, and aperture settings, Antonio gradually transitioned into realizing his ideas with a sense of freedom and experimentation. This process allowed him to evolve as an artist, constantly pushing the boundaries of his creativity.

Recently, Antonio has ventured into the realm of professional photography through collaborations with a clothing brand and a communication agency. These experiences have provided him with valuable insights into the more formal aspects of photography while allowing him to retain his signature style and approach.

In Antonio Serafino's work narratives woven with light and shadow, emotion and perspective. As he continues to refine his craft and explore new horizons, his journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring photographers and artists alike, reminding us all of the power of visual storytelling in shaping our understanding of the world.

Post coordination by Vincent Urbani