Napoli nord / case rom
Vincenzo Pagliuca
The photographs collected in this project have been taken between 2013 and 2014 thanks to the collaboration and friendship developed with various Roma families residing in two camps in northern Naples.
The settlements, not far from each other, were inhabited at that time by around 1,000 people, mainly Serbians and Macedonians who had come to Italy during different waves of migration from the Balkan peninsula.
Despite the precarious living conditions, the residents’ desire for stability was clear from the way they took care of their surroundings and the appearance of their homes with the few means at their disposal.
The houses showed an abundance of colours and decorative details evoking, even more because of their isolation, an ancestral feeling of refuge and shelter, with their skimpy tin roofs protected as they were by the “Asse Mediano” overpass in Scampia.
Here the living spaces became the stage for the portrayed subjects, opening up to unexpected scenes on the outermost margins of the city.
Post by: Vincent Urbani